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Youth Training
National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT): The National Youth Leader Training course is an intense youth oriented leadership training experience. The Garden State Council will offer two courses in 2018. For information choose the underlined course location at the end of the paragraph. The training is conducted by highly qualified youth staff under the supervision of adult advisers using the National Youth Leadership Training syllabus, as published by the National Council, Boy Scouts of America. Click here for more information.
Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST): This one-day workshop is conducted by the Scoutmaster for his junior leaders. Offered at the Unit level. Click here for syllabus
Den Chief Training: A Den Chief is a Boy Scout whose assigned leadership position is to assist in a Cub Scout Den. A one day council level training is offered. New Den Chiefs can also take on line Fast Start training.
National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience: National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE) is an exciting new program where young men enhance their leadership skills in the Philmont. Scouts will expand upon the team building and ethical decision making skills learned in National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT). NAYLE uses elements of the Philmont Ranger Training as well as advanced Search and Rescue skills to teach leadership, teamwork and the lessons of selfless service. NAYLE will offer Scouts an unforgettable back country wilderness experience where they live leadership and teamwork, using the core elements of NYLT to make their leadership skills intuitive. Offered at the Philmont Scout Ranch.
Sea Scouts–Crew Officers' Seminar: This training experience is conducted by the crew Adviser or ship Skipper to orient newly elected youth officers, plan programs, and develop the annual crew activity schedule. Offered at the Unit level.
Introduction for Leadership Skills for Crews (ILSC): This course has been designed to be run by the crew Adviser and officers to teach leadership skills to the entire crew. Completion of this course is a requirement for a youth earning the Silver Award. Click here for syllabus
Venturing Crew Orientation Course: Venturing is a program where high-school age boys and girls take a lead role in organizing and running their own high adventure activities. This multimedia program, covers specific leadership skills in program planning, money-earning, and running effective committees. This presentation should be a first step in training effective crew leadership. Venturing Crew Orientation On line
Venturing Goal Setting & Time Management Training Module: Below is the instructor's guide for the Venturing Gol Setting and Time Management Training Module. This course will provide a fun, interactive learning experience in learning Time Management in a 3 1/2 hour time period. The presentation of this module can be split up to accomodate the needs of the Crew. Completing this training will fulfill the Venturing Discovery Award requirement for the goal setting time management training course. Click here for syllabus.
Mentoring for Venturing: Below is the instructor's guide for the Mentoring for Venturing course. This course will provide an interactive learning experience on Mentoring in a 2 hour period. The presentation of this module can be split up to accomodate the needs of the Crew. Completing this training module will fulfill the Venturing Summit Award requirement for the Mentoring training course. Click here for syllabus.
National Leadership Seminar (Order of the Arrow): The National Leadership Seminar is a weekend conference focusing primarily on the skills and attributes of leadership. It is intended primarily to enhance the leadership skills of the Order of the Arrow's key youth and adult members as they seek to improve their service to the Boy Scouts of America and the greater community. Youth participants must be at least 15 years of age or a lodge officer. Offered at the Region level.
Varsity Youth–Introduction To Leadership: Initial briefing of newly elected team youth leaders, conducted by the Coach.
Varsity Youth–Team Leaders Seminar: A weekend experience conducted by the Coach and Captain as basic training for their own youth leaders.