

The Boy Scouts of America maintains an online repository of forms and documents on their website. Volunteers or Scouts looking for forms related to national BSA awards or programs should look there for the most up to date version of each form.
There are a number of local forms available for use as well.


Access to Medical Forms Annual Health and Medical Record

Forms related to Garden State Council Camps may be found in the Camping section of the website.

Going to an out of Council Summer Camp? Here is the proof of accident & sickness insurance that they will require. 

Need a claim form for an incident?  You can download the form here. It needs to be signed by a council representative once all of the red sections are filled out. Please do not send bills to the council office. Once the form is filled out you can email it here. It will be reviewed and returned to you to submit your claim.

If you are looking for the Merit Badge Counselor Form, please go to the Merit Badge Counselor page.

Additional forms are attached below

