
Religious Relationships

Duty to God is one of a Scout's three basic obligations.

Each Scout promises/takes an oath to do their Duty to God. The Boy Scouts of America supports this obligation through the many programs that are administered by the various Faith communities in partnership with the national office.

The Garden State Council supports the Duty to God program through our Religious Relationships Committee, which is comprised of representatives from all Faiths. The mission of the Committee is to help each Scout and Scouter live the words, Duty to God. The Committee offers a variety of Duty to God related events throughout the year. If you have any questions contact Joe Brennan at ccos@gardenstatescouting.org

Religious Committees: In addition to the council committee, we have Religious Committees for individual Faiths: Jewish, Catholic, LDS, Sikh. We invite all parents, volunteers, Scouters and Scouts to join the Committee for your Faith. Please see the information below and contacts for each group if you would like to get involved. For information on Sikhs in Scouting visit www.gardenstatescouting.org/sikhs-and-scouting   

Duty to God Events: These events, activities, retreats, trips and service projects are open to all Scouts, Scouters, Families and Friends of all Faiths. Click here to visit the special Religious Events and Activities webpage and here download a schedule of upcoming Duty to God events.

Interfaith Service: For more information on how to conduct a Scouts' Own Service, please go the following: http://www.gardenstatescouting.org/scouts-own  

Religious Emblems: An important way to live the words, Duty to God and A Scout is Reverent is by earning the Religious Emblem of your Faith. If you would like more information on how to earn this emblem, please contact Joe Brennan, Council Religious Emblem Coordinator at ccos@gardenstatescouting.org.  

Outside Links: National Catholic Committee on Scouting, National Jewish Committee on Scouting, LDS Scouting in Primary,  P.R.A.Y. (Programs of Religious Activities with Youth) for ALL Faiths and religious awards information, Scouting Youth Ministry - Camden Diocese,   

Jewish Committee on Scouting

Our mission is to promote Scouting among Jewish youth to help Jewish institutions and local Jewish committees provide Scouting opportunities for Jewish youth, and to promote Jewish values in Scouting through program helps and the Religious Emblems Program.


Catholic Committee on Scouting is an effective way to help Catholic youth to Serve God and do their Duty to God and to their Country. Scouting builds character and teaches devotion to God in an environment that provides wholesome fun under the guidance of strong adult role models. Programs which are offered by the Catholic Committee on Scouting support this vision and provide a wonderful channel for Scouts to not only say the words, but live the words, "Duty to God."   


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Committee on Scouting

For over one hundred years, The LDS Church has been a steadfast partner with the BSA. The Church has adopted the Cub Scout program for young boys in the Primary Program. Scouting is the activity arm of the Young Men's Aaronic Priesthood program. This is accomplished through the use of Scout Troops.  Scouting can help young men and boys enhance close relationships with their families and the Church while developing strong and desirable traits of character, citizenship, and physical and mental fitness.

Committee Chair:

Mark Brody jcos@gardenstatescouting.org


Catholic Committee Chair:

Joe Brennan ccos@gardenstatescouting.org

LDS Chairs:

Tom Hawkins, thawkins3@comcast.net

Rob Bardsley, rbardsley2011@gmail.com.


Sikhs in Scouting

Many opportunities exist for Sikh youth to participate in Scouting programs. The Scout Oath and Scout Law blend seamlessly with the Sikh belief system, and the focus on giving back to your community goes hand in hand with the Sikh teachings that proscribe "serving humanity through completely selfless service."

For more information please visit Sikhs and Scouting.


Committee Chair:

Kavneet (Kavi) Pannu, sikhscoutsusa@gmail.com

