

Scouting is a family oriented, volunteer run program. Our success depends on people like you who can share one hour, or more, a week to help make Scouting possible for the young people in our communities. 

No experience is required to become a Scouting volunteer, only the desire to help young people do their best, and to help us keep the Scouting program strong.

There are a wide range of volunteer opportunities available, whether you want to work directly with young people or alongside other adults. Become a parent volunteer with your child's unit, serve as a leader, share your skills and experience as a Merit Badge counselor, or join a district or council committee. Choose an area that interests you and help us keep our council moving forward on committees such as: camping, marketing & membership, program, training, facilities, health & safety, Eagle Board of Review, fund raising, Order of the Arrow, and more. 

For more than 100 years, Scouting has been one of the most positive youth development. leadership and character building programs in the nation. If you would like more information about volunteer opportunities please contact the Garden State Council.