
Old Colony

Old Colony District
Serving Gloucester and Salem Counties


Shave the Beard!

Old Colony FOS Fundraiser. Mike Perry is putting his beard on the line. Make a donation from now until the December 12th Roundtable and if your donation is the highest you get to choose what color Mike will dye his beard. Sunday before the January Roundtable of January 9th Mike will dye the beard. We will post pictures on the Old Colony Facebook page. At Roundtable the largest donation from December 12th until January 9th will have the honor of using clippers to remove Mikes beard or appoint someone to do so. The final shave will be done by Mike or a professional barber. Mike doesn't trust us with a blade. Our goal is to raise $1000. Come and join in on the fun.  

Donate Here



January 25-27, 2019     

Camp Roosevelt, Elmer 

Can your Scouts survive 2 Nights and 3 Days of Winter Camping

Come out to the frozen waste lands (or mud) at Camp Roosevelt Scout Reservation. 

Build your sled prior to the event, pull the sled over a 9 station course. 

See the attached flyer and leaders guide for more details.


QUESTIONS?: Contact Thom Shoop

(H) 856-467-3741

(C) 856-506-9320

or thomshoop@gmail.com


Old Colony District - Scout College 2019

Upper Pittsgrove Twp. School

Saturday, February 9 & February 23, 2019

8:3O AM-3:OO PM


The Old Colony District, under the Garden State Boy Scout Council, is proudly offering the annual Scout College program to our scouts and leaders. Several new merit badges are being introduced this year which scouts can pick from as well as the old favorites. Not all programs will earn merit badges, for example Den Chief Training, but all programs will provide information to enhance the scouting experience in both scouts and adults. We suggest all units who have Life scouts to encourage their scouts to take the Eagle Packet Planning to help them on their journey of earning the Eagle rank as they begin to plan their Eagle Project. For the adults, we will be offering Life to Eagle Training for Leaders, Eagle Mentors, Committee Chair, Advancement Chairs etc. to give you a better understanding of the entire process so you will be more prepared to help and guide the scouts along the way.

These classes are very informational to both scouts and leaders, but they tend to fill up quickly. Please take the time to read about the requirements, which period the classes will be offered and the registration information.

Information Packet     Merit Badge and Course Selection



New District Features

Eagle Scout Project and Application Process



Monthly Meetings

Old Colony District Committee:

              Meets on the 1st Monday 7pm of every month at the:

              Clearview Middle School – in the library 


Old Colony District Roundtable:

              Meets on the 2nd Wednesday 7pm of every month at the:

              The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

              259 Lambs Road, Sewell, NJ 08085


Old Colony District Advancement Committee:

              Meets on the 4th Tuesday 7pm of every month at the

              Friendship United Methodist Church

              149 Friendship Road Monroeville, 08343I





Scroll Down for District News!!

The District Committee is working hard to better serve your needs. If you ever have any suggestions feel free to contact us anytime.

District Leadership

District Chairman John McKeown jmckeown754@gmail.com
District Commissioner Mike Kalb msk503@yahoo.com
Senior District Executive Mike Perry Michael.Perry@scouting.org
Program Chairman Bill Paolello btolleloap@aol.com
Activities Chairman Thom Shoop thomshoop@gmail.com
District Roundtable Commissioner Thom Shoop thomshoop@gmail.com
Boy Scout Camp Promotion Chairman George Hoffman george.w.hoffmaniii@gmail.com
Cub Scout Camp Promotions Chairman Scott Alscher scott.alscher@comcast.net
FOS Chairman Nicole Gelesh ambosh07@yahoo.com
Advancement Chairman Cathy Alscher cathy.alscher@comcast.net
Popcorn Chairman Cindy Yanginski cyanginski@gmail.com
Communications Chairman Rob Festoff oldcolonycommunications@gmail.com
Training Chairman Rob Bardsley rbardsley2011@gmail.com
OA Chapter Advisor George Hoffman troop7woodbury-nj@comcast.net
Membership Chairman- Salem Co. TBD  
Membership Chairman-
Gloucester Co.
Dave Lyons davethecommish@gmail.com

District News:



