
Jamboree 2017 Adventure Highlights

Countdown to 2017 Jamboree

Adventure is Waiting!

Want to share your Scouting experiences with 40,000 of your fellow BSA friends?  Now’s the time to get registered for the 2017 National Scout Jamboree, July 19 to 28, at the Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve in West Virginia.  A deposit of $250 locks in your spot with the contingent from Garden State Council. 

With less than one year to Opening Day, make a visit to the council's website for the National Jamboree.  If you’re planning on attending, you NEED to make that visit if you have not previously registered.  Jamboree Troops will start meeting in the Fall, preparing for their stay at the Summit. For more details, please visit http://www.gardenstatescouting.org/Jamboree

A variety of high adventure activities are available at the Summit.  Check out these exciting features:

Whitewater Rafting
Throughout the year, the Summit offers a seven-day program with Kayaking and Whitewater Rafting.  Participants at the 2017 Jamboree have the opportunity to experience a section of the World Class rapids of the New River Gorge in West Virginia. Visit http://www.summitbsa.org/programs/national-high-adventure-base/focused-programs/whitewater/ for more information on what “The River” is like.

Zip Line
One of the most popular venues during the 2013 Jamboree was the Zip Line.  You and four fellow Scouts simultaneously zip down the 3000-foot long line, reaching speeds up to 50 MPH.  Visit http://www.summitbsa.org/about-us/venues/adventure-valley/zip/ to learn more about this feature at the Summit’s Adventure Valley.

The Trax
This week, take a look at The Trax, the ultimate mountain bike experience.  Scouts have to opportunity to test themselves on various freestyle, race, and pump tracks.  Visit http://www.summitbsa.org/about-us/venues/mayhem-mountain/park/ to learn more about this feature at Thrasher Mountain.  

The Park
Adjacent to last week’s feature is The Park, the Summit’s outdoor skate park.  The assessment area offers plenty of opportunity for practice for the novice and the pro, after which they can take on the skate plaza and the bowls!  Visit http://www.summitbsa.org/about-us/venues/mayhem-mountain/park/ to learn more about this feature at Thrasher Mountain.  

The Barrels
If Shooting Sports are to your liking, you will want to visit The Barrels at the 2017 Jamboree.  Whether it’s shotgun, pistol, or rifle, there’s plenty of options and plenty of access to all sorts of activities to test your marksmanship.   Visit http://www.summitbsa.org/the-barrels-2013-jamboree-shooting-sports-curriculum-update/  to learn more about The Barrels from the 2013 Jamboree.

The Rocks
If you enjoy Climbing, don’t miss the chance to visit The Rocks at the 2017 Jamboree.  The Summit  has taken the best of rock climbing in the New River Gorge and, with the help of Eldorado Climbing Walls, brought it onsite to provide climbing at both the introductory and challenging levels.  It’s one of the largest man-made, outdoor climbing facilities in the USA.  Visit http://www.summitbsa.org/summit-spotlight-venue-rocks/ to learn more about The Rocks from the 2013 Jamboree.

The Pools
All the activity areas at the 2017 Jamboree are structured to handle scouts with skill levels from novice to expert.  One of those areas, The Pools, is the Summit’s home for scuba diving.  It doesn’t matter what experience you’ve had with scuba – even if it’s is no experience at all – this is the place to be to give it a try!  Visit http://jamboreetoday.org/news/32-2013/133-scuba-at-the-pools#.VuB67Pb2bmg  to learn more about The Pools from the 2013 Jamboree.

Low Gear & High Gear
(475 days to go) There is no comparison between Mountain Biking from pre-Summit Jamborees to what’s now available in West Virginia.  What you will experience is possibly the best built Mountain Biking trails in the world.  Are you surprised?  The locals will tell you, “This is West Virginia.  There’s uphill and downhill.  There is no level!”  Whatever your expectation of Mountain Biking, visit http://jamboreetoday.org/news/32-2013/162-extreme-sports-offer-exciting-challenges?highlight=WyJibXgiLCJiaWtpbmciLCJibXggYmlraW5nIl0=#.Vvqjn_b2bmg to learn more about all the Extreme Sports facilities at the Summit.

The Cloud
(468 days to go) Technology has made the world a different place than twenty years ago, and its effect on the Jamboree at the Summit Bechtel Reserve is no different.  Besides the variety of ways to communicate and find information on the many activity areas, a visit to The Cloud will allow you to participate in hands-on experiments with the latest in technology.  Visit http://jamboreetoday.org/news/32-2013/119-cloud?highlight=WyJjbG91ZCJd#.VwQf2vb2bmg for a glimpse of what was going on at The Cloud during the 2013 Jamboree.

The Ropes
(461 days to go) There are challenges, and then there are challenges – Boy Scout Jamboree style.  Get to the 2017 Jamboree and go at The Ropes.  Navigate through cargo nets, swinging logs, and rope bridges to get through these challenge courses. Visit http://www.summitbsa.org/about-us/venues/adventure-valley/the-ropes/ for more on The Ropes.

Patch Trading
(447 days to go) Every Boy Scout has patches – they’re all over your uniform!  But Patch Trading is a whole different experience – it’s the Number One “unscripted” experience at Jamborees, including the one next year at the Summit.  How can you prepare for this truly interactive experience with people throughout our country and all around the world?  Visit  http://www.summitbsa.org/3-ways-to-ramp-up-your-patch-trading/for more on Patch Trading tips.

Brownsea Island
(426 days to go) Most of the items mentioned in the countdown cover what was new to the Jamboree from 2013. Today we cover an item that's been part of Scouting from the very beginning of the movement - Brownsea Island. It was there Baden-Powell launched his "great experiment" to teach boys self-reliance & leadership all while having fun. Click here to find more on the replica of Brownsea Island that exists at the Summit. 

CONSOL Energy Bridge
(419 days to go) Anyone who attended a Jamboree will tell you, ”Expect to walk – a lot.”  At the Summit, walking to two of the camps became a quicker endeavor with the completion of the CONSOL Energy Bridge.  A & B Camps were only a couple of minutes away from Summit Center, and you could get to the other side of the gorge either by going above, below, or using the main pedestrian walkway on the Bridge.  Visit http://www.summitbsa.org/a-bridge-to-the-future-of-scouting-2/ to learn more about this signature sight at the Summit.

(412 days to go) These days, anyone can be a Disc Jockey. Everyone can program their digital music player just like the DJ's of old. Amateurs and experienced radio hosts contribute to a full day of content on the official radio station of the Jamboree. Scouts can sign up for their fifteen minutes of fame broadcasting live from QBSA's studio, located near the end of Summit Center.  Click here to learn more about QBSA's operations during the last Jamboree.

Day of Service
(405 days to go) Service and projects are part of Scouting.  It’s not just something done as part of advancing to Eagle!  In 2013, Nearly 40,000 Scouts and leaders were mobilized to provide a massive service impact on the area surrounding the Summit.  For the first time, a Day of Service was incorporated into everyone’s schedule at the Jamboree.  As we all know, the completion of a service project also gives insight into the conditions of the beneficiary.  It’s an enlightening experience never available at the Jamboree prior to 2013.  Visit http://www.summitbsa.org/40000-scouts-5-days-and-300000-hours-of-communi...  to read more about the Day of Service.

Attempting a World Record - With Beach Balls!
(398 days to go)  Now that we’ve dropped below 400 days in the countdown, how about we mention an off-the-wall item from 2013?  Besides all the traditional and new age Scouting activities you can do at the Summit, how about being part of a Guinness World Record? In 2013, an attempt was made to break the record for most beach balls kept in the air at the same time.  Unfortunately, at the time of the attempt, the weather was gloomy, and no doubt reduced the number of willing participants.  Maybe we’ll give it another try in 2017! Click here for more information.

(384 days to go) Ga-Ga. No, this isn’t a report on the music of a popular singer.  It’s a game that made a major splash among Scouts at the 2013 National Jamboree and has led to Ga-Ga courts being placed at BSA Campsites throughout the country.  Click here to take a look at a report from “Bryan on Scouting."

(377 days to go) It’s a couple of days past July 4th, but let’s not dismiss one of the best things about the celebrating that day, and one of the best things you’ll see at the National Jamboree – Fireworks!  In 2013, one of the arena shows was rescheduled for weather considerations, so the closing fireworks were launched on a later night.  But that allowed you to have prime time viewing right from the comfort of your own campsite.  There are numerous videos of the show available on the Internet – just search “BSA 2013 Jamboree Fireworks” to get a sample of what to expect at next July’s Jamboree.

Garden Grove
(370 days to go) Garden Grove: It's the longest and highest elevation hike you will take at the Summit. And, everyone only gets one day there. It's the trek to Garden Grove. You'll spend the day at the summit of the Summit with unique activity areas not available anywhere else at the National Jamboree. Click here for more information on this very special place at SBR in West Virginia.

Fly Fishing
(342 days to go) Scouting provides experiences beyond the normal and every day.  For a lot of Scouts, the chance to create your own fishing lure and put it into practice would fit that description.  At the Summit, you can go from novice fisherman to competent, and earn a merit badge or two along the way.  You might even become a Certified Angling Instructor! Click here for more information.

K2BSA-Amateur Radio
(328 days to go) On June 2nd, Countdown talked about the Jamboree’s official radio station, QBSA, which broadcasts throughout the Summit.  Well, there’s also K2BSA, an amateur radio station that communicated with astronauts on the International Space Station one morning during the 2013 Jamboree!  Ten lucky Scouts who completed Radio Merit Badge while attending were selected to speak with astronauts as they passed over the Summit Bechtel Reserve.  Scouts at the 2017 Jamboree can look into amateur radio, also known as “ham” radio, for other interesting and exciting experiences. Click here for more information.

(321 days to go) Paddle-Boarding has grown in popularity in the USA over the last 20 years.  After being established as a competitive sport in the late 1990’s, even the BSA Jamboree made it available for the first time at the Summit in 2013.  It was considered a “walk-on” activity, which meant that anyone could give it a try: beginners through experienced users.  Click here for more on how the paddle-board program was launched at the 2013 Jamboree. 

Procedures When Lost
(314 days to go) Jamboree advertising points toward all the activities you can do, all the people you can meet, and all the experiences you can share.  But there’s more planning done to address safety issues than you hear about.  The Identification Card every 2013 Jamboree attendee was issued had a chip on the back that could be used as a locator device in the event you needed help in a remote area.  Visit http://jamboreetoday.org/news/32-2013/102-lost-at-the-summit#.V9AZ1GZTGUl  for more details on what was suggested to 2013 participants if they were lost – procedures that will be replicated and improved for visitors to the Summit in 2017.