
Planned Giving

Planned Giving is the ultimate in giving with a purpose and includes contributions that supporters have included in wills, bequests, a deferred gift designation, or a one time gift designated to help build the Scout's endowment fund. Such gifts are not random or impulsive, but planned to obtain the maximum benefit. 
Charitable giving options include:
  • Cash, Property or Stock Gifts
  • Life Insurance
  • BSA Gift Annuity Program
  • Pooled Income Fund
  • Charitable Remainder or Lead Trusts
  • IRAs and Retirement Plans
  • Bequests to the Council (Should be made to Garden State Council)
For more information on how to maximize your support of the Scouts and build a legacy of support for future generations of Scouts, 
call Joyce Skradzinski at (856) 327-1700 ext. 124, joyce.skradzinski@scouting.org