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OC Eagle Scout Project & Application Process
The Eagle Scout Process
The candidate shall use the most up to date Eagle Scout Project Workbook and present the project concept in a business-like fashion to the reader.
The district advancement team shall evaluate the proposal against the following criteria:
a) The proposal provides sufficient opportunity to meet the Eagle Scout service project requirement.
b) The proposal appears to be feasible.
c) Safety issues will be addressed.
d) Action steps for further detailed planning are included
e) The candidate is on the right track with a reasonable chance for a positive experience.
Once you have completed writing your proposal you need to submit it prior to the meeting to the District Advancement Committees Chair
Cathy L. Alscher
1 Oak Road
West Deptford, 08096
Note: if a scout needs to attend the meeting to present their packet, they must make prior arrangements with the Advancement Committee Chair,, and must bring an adult with them usually their Scoutmaster and be in full uniform. We still must have their proposal prior to the meeting and they would attend at 7:30pm
The District Advancement Committee Meets at the:
Friendship United Methodist Church
149 Friendship Road Monroeville, 08343
on the 4th Tuesday of each month unless otherwise posted.
Once proposals are approved, the scout will receive an email letting them know whom their Eagle coach will be and how they can obtain their packet back. If their packet was not approved they will also receive an email --- Note it is the scout’s responsibility to make arrangement with the District Advancement Chair to obtain his proposal
The Eagle candidate shall provide the nominated reference writer (to complete requirement 2 of the Eagle Rank Application) with an evaluation form and a return envelope addressed to the unit leader responsible for advancement. (see attached) Received responses should remain unopened until delivered to the Board of Review. Unit leader responsible for advancement should monitor responses and attempt to contact non-responding individuals at least one time before the Board of Review.
The candidate must fill out the up to date Eagle Rank Application – see attached
The candidate shall deliver his Eagle Scout package including his Eagle rank application, his completed project report, life statement and his letters of recommendations to the Garden State Council Resource Center located in Millville.