
Membership Grants

Does your unit have a great idea to increase membership,
but needs additional funding to make it happen?

The Garden State Council is happy to announce the availability of 2016 Unit Membership Grants!

The growth of Scouting starts with strong units.

The council membership grants are a way to fund projects or ideas that your unit may not ordinarily be able to accomplish without external support.

Grants will be awarded up to $500 per unit.

Submissions are due electronically by March 18.

Grants recipients will be announced and units informed by April 11.

We're looking to fund the most original, out of the box ideas that your unit might not otherwise attempt.
The council is not looking to fund flyers or newspaper ads — tell us instead about that great idea that gets families excited that you can't try on your own.

For complete details download the 2016 Membership Grant Information & Application document which also includes a one-page application that must be submitted to apply for the grant. Please be sure to review the 2016 Membership Grant Recipient Rules before applying.

NOTE: In order to apply for this or any other Marekting & Membership incentive for 2016 a unit must have a designated Membership Coordinator. 

Complete the application and return it to grants@gardenstatescouting.org by March 18.

And questions? E-mail them to grants@gardenstatescouting.org


