

Scouting units run the best program possible when they have well-rounded dens, patrols and crews. The future of units depends on incoming youth as naturally each year current youth age out of the program or move out of the area. Scouting is the premier program for character education, and it is part of the Boy Scouts of America’s mission to make sure that this program is shared  with as many youth as possible.  


If you would like information about how to join a local Scouting unit in your community please click here

If you would like information about our new 8-Week Scouting Adventure Clinic for Cub Scout age boys and girls click here.

If you would like information about the Lion Program for Kindergarten age boys and girls click here

Looking for a cool video to top off your recruitment night event? Click here or visit www.scouting.org/marketing  

Need flyers, yard signs or other recruitment materials? Contact your District Executive today!

The council has a variety of flyers that that can be customized for your unit and printed in the amount you need for recruitment at NO COST to you or your unit. 

Click here to link to the National BSA Recruitment Hub for materials you can download and print yourself.  These items are meant for units to download and print on their own and may not be available through Garden State Council.  

Click here for additional National BSA Membership Resources