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Council Activities
The Garden State Council Activities Committee is responsible for the planning, promoting, and coordinating activities at the council level for the benefit of our fellow members in our council. The committee generally meets on the fourth Thursday of the month, but occasionally there is an additional meeting just prior to an event to dot the i's and cross the t's. Meetings are held at 7 PM at the 693 Rancocas Building. The committee consists of the Activity Chairs from each district and other volunteers that have an interest in serving at this level. The committee is always looking for fresh creative minds to improve our activities. The chair of the committee is Phil Snyder. Please contact him at if you would like to join the committee or attend a meeting.
Council Activities - 2018
Cub FUN Day – October 20
On Line registration for Cub FUN Day has ended. Registration at the event starts at 8:15 on Saturday, October 20. There are still shooting sports openings.
The premier event for Cub Scout recruiting in the Garden State Council. A FUN-FILLED day of games, archery, BB, hay rides, fishing, and other FUN activities. This event is open to all Cub Scout aged youth, and membership in the BSA is not a requirement to attend.
Scouting for Food – Bag Distribution – November 10
A day of service to distribute empty bags in your community to be picked up the following week. As Scouts, we know how fortunate we are to have a warm meal every night — whether around the campfire or at the kitchen table. And we know that not everyone is so lucky.
Scouting for Food – Bag Collection – November 17
Scouts go back into their communities to pick up the empty bags they delivered the previous week. The bags of food are then delivered to local pantries within our council's borders. Tens of thousands of hungry families depend on us. The needy exist in every town.
Council Activities Committee Meeting Dates
These dates are all tentative based on committee needs.
All meetings will be held at the Rancocas Office, 693 Building 7:00 PM
October 25, 2018
November 29, 2018
Council Activity Committee Members
Christine Aziz - Quakesen District
Jennifer Ellis - Mahalala District
Thom Shoop - Old Colony District
Bill Wasakanes - Bay Sea District
Phil Snyder - White Horse District
Michelle Ieradi
Scott Bickhart - Philmont
Joe Brennan - Duty To God