
Merit Badge Counselor List

Interested Volunteers

By becoming a Merit Badge Counselor, you can shape the future.  Share your interest and experience in up to eight of the many merit badges offered to our youth today.  The "Become A Merit Badge Counselor" attachment below provides more information.  Ready to commit?  Here are the forms you need.

•   An Adult Application

•   A Merit Badge Counselor Application

Send your unanswered questions to


Current Merit Badge Counselors

All merit badge counselors should seek training. It is important that they have a full understanding of their responsibilities and also of the recommended practices for quality counseling. The presentation “The Essentials of Merit Badge Counseling” is a great place to refresh your training.  It is attached below.


The password protected link below to merit badge counselors is your pathway to finding the many talented volunteers willing to help strengthen the program you deliver to our youth.  To gain access, contact your district executive for the password.

Need Help?

If you recently applied and are not on this list, you will be on the next list.

If you believe your name should be on the list and it is not, please contact your District Executive.

The merit badge counselor list contains only counselors willing to work with scouts from any unit.  Counselors willing to work with scouts from a specific unit are not listed.

Have A Concern?

Report questionable processes or procedures discovered in merit badge counseling by sending a completed form no. 512-800  to the council advancement committee at


